winging it.

stephanie spencer

one is(n't) the loneliest number.

I used to hate doing things by myself. I’m really good at it. BUT...I hated it. For us only children, figuring out how to have fun being alone is a requirement for survival. A wild imagination was one of my most used tools... But, I always wanted a sibling. A twin to be exact. Someone I shared a deep unbreakable bond with. Someone who I could communicate with without speaking, someone who would know what I was thinking and feeling before I did. I did not want to be going on all my adventures alone. And, I still don’t. I’m most happy when I’m surrounded by the family I’ve created for myself. I’ve always been extremely close with my parents, and I’ve chosen my own “siblings” and friends and soul sisters and mates. I LOVE human connection. Especially good human connection. But, the most important person you can connect with is you. If you don’t connect with you first, you won’t have the strings to connect you with others. So, take yourself to the movies, take yourself to dinner, get your nails did...and listen to what’s happening inside your heart. You deserve it. And you may just find out that spending time with yourself isn’t as bad as you thought...