eat better, move around more!
Let’s all make a New Year’s resolution, you guys. I’ve always felt like New Year’s resolutions maybe shouldn’t be reserved only for January 1st, but that’s another story. Let’s all eat better and move around more. 💪🏼🥦🎉
It doesn’t take much...replace one non-vegetable a day with a vegetable. Replace one non-fruit with a fruit! Don’t eat when you’re not actually hungry! If you think you’re hungry, drink a class of water and wait a minute. Drink one extra glass of water... Or completely revolutionize everything and try eating as well as an organic Olympic athlete and see how you feel. Think about it, write about it...see what happens! What do you love? What do you hate? What can you live without and what are some new things you realized you don’t want to live without anymore?
Find something you love that doesn’t feel like working out. Go take a salsa class, (with my salsa company!) go take that skating lesson you’ve always wanted to take (with me!), start running again, go for a bike ride, go for a walk, do that online workout in your living room you’ve been meaning to do for months, anything! Even if it’s just for 15 minutes. 15 minutes is a lot more than 0 minutes, you guys.
Trust me.
Working. Out. Will. Give. You. More. Energy.
A greater ability to take on your day with strength and a clear mind. I SWEAR. I often forget this myself, until I go back to the gym after a hiatus thinking *maybe* it might help offer a little more clarity and make me a little more grounded. It always does. ALWAYS. So does eating well, getting sleep, and drinking water, too. Oh, and taking Vitamin D. Or getting out and getting some bonafide sunshine. Miraculously less tired and readier than ever to take on the world. 💪🏼🎉👍🏼