winging it.

stephanie spencer

Create your own calm to weather the storm…

Since January was moving month for me, I had an even harder time than usual finding time for myself. I thought having both the old and the new apartment for a month would make for an easy-peasy transition, but lemme tell you- it was NAHT what I expected! I never ended up going through all my stuff and actually packing- I just grabbed a couple things as I was driving by in the car and took it up to the new place (the two apartments are only 8 blocks away). Throwing stuff in boxes when you’re double parked for a couple minutes in NYC is not the calmest way to go about moving to a new apartment... And, to top it all off, the busy season for skating usually starts around the new year. Right when moving time started. Woof. Needless to say, I’ve been feeling a little out of sorts and have barely had any time for myself. My friends and I have also been hanging out a ton, which has been amazing, but it leaves even less time for me to relax. The older I get, the more I realize that I really do need to make sure I schedule down time. Having time just to chill and do nothing at home is actually important, believe it or not. I had been doing better lately with taking time for myself and I didn’t realize how big of a difference it was making until it was gone this month. Of course, when a major life event happens, ya gotta do what ya gotta do, but don’t let that major life event overshadow your basic needs- sleep and down time may seem like things you can push to the side, but They. Are. Important.

As stressful as this move has been, the new apartment is amazing. And I love the new life I’m creating along with it more than I could have imagined. Manifesting is definitely a thing, peeps- The Universe literally plopped my dream apartment down in front of me twice in two years and this year, I hadn’t even really gotten around to asking for it! I could not be happier that the more open I feel, and the more I surrender to the tides of life, the better everything gets. As I’ve been struggling to keep my head above water during this crazy month, I keep reminding myself to breathe. In moments of particular craziness, the breathing helps SO MUCH. Nothing is really that bad- a lot of the stress is self induced. And when I can take the time to breathe and slow my body down, it helps to give me a couple moments of relaxation amidst the craziness. Create your own calm in the storm. The Universe is looking out for you, and if you can take a couple seconds just to listen to what she’s saying, she def won’t steer you astray... 💫🌈✌🏼