winging it.

stephanie spencer

step one: show up.

I know you’ve heard some version of this before- half the battle is just showing up. I’ve always thought this was somewhat bullsh*t until recently. I realized how often over the years I’ve watched colleagues around me loose business or not get business simply because they missed a lesson. If they had just shown up, they would have kept the client. And maybe even gained clients from recommendations! You never know how one thing will lead to the next...

This realization has been a relief to me. I feel like I’ve been strug-a-LING so hard for so much of my life, and if I had known that all I have to do is show up? What a relief! I have permission to just be myself?! Fabulous. Here I ammm! *snap*

This is not an excuse to stop improving and stop striving for something better. No way, Jose. Your life will fall apart and you’ll end up in an unhappy ball on your couch. (Been there, too. It sucks.)

I “taught” my first salsa class the other day. Well, I assisted. I only said about 3 things, and what I did say didn’t seem particularly revolutionary to me, but at the end of the class, at least HALF the students went out of their way to come up to me and tell me how helpful it was to have me there. #daymade And all I did was show up.

Sometimes all your friends or loved ones need is for you to be there. Just listen. I know you want to help and solve all their problems (I do, too) but sometimes all they need is just for you to be there with them.

So, show up! Solve problems as they arise. Ask for help if you need it. And get on out there to shine some fabulosity on the world! 💫