winging it.

stephanie spencer

Get ready, get set…Go meditatE.

I’ve been trying to start a meditation practice for years. I’ve been curious about meditation for probably at least the last 10 years and hadn’t tried it even once until a couple months ago. For a long time, I was curious about it because so many people seemed to love it and get so much out of it, but I couldn’t imagine that I could really get something out of...well...nothing. Don’t you at least have to be MOVING to, like, get somewhere? Maybe it’s because I’m older and wiser now, maybe it’s because The Universe was gently pushing me in the right direction...who knows, but about a year ago, I downloaded the Headspace app. I was in the middle of my “self re-discovery” journey and I had been seeing stuff about meditation everywhere. Lots of places talked about these awesome, easy apps that would get even the newest meditation newbie going on the right path. Headspace seemed to be a stand out favorite and I’m a sucker for pretty interfaces, so I downloaded it. Plus, it was free. Can’t go wrong. I spent a couple minutes browsing around the a couple of times and thinking how awesome the design was, but never actually did any meditating. FINALLY a couple weeks before the world closed, on my way to salsa rehearsal, I did a single Headspace session for 3 minutes on the train. Not exactly the ideal environment, but, even so, it was amazing. 

Before the quaranpause, I was always running around like a chicken with its head cut off. There were always a million things to do, and places to be, and people to see. It’s been so nice to have this time to really slow down and listen to how I’m actually feeling and what I really want and need. But, when I meditated on the train that one night in the middle of another crazy day, I realized that I could get a sense of calm and quiet in the middle of the storm around me, and it was life changing. Soul opening, even.

I spent the first couple weeks of quarantine freaking out in my own ways. One day it was a panic attack (that I never have), the next day it was sleeping all day on the couch, then it was cooking up a storm, then hopping around the apartment and working out like a crazy person, the next day it was devouring a book in a single sitting...everything was somewhat manic in its own way. Then one day I remembered that I wanted to meditate. I remembered those 3 minutes on the train and how calm and whole I felt. I remembered that I had 9 of the free Headspace sessions left to do and I did one. Actually in a quiet room with no distractions this time. This time, I felt the change in my whole body. I felt like my blood was flowing differently and I was truly sitting with the core of my being. I felt my breath moving in and out of all the parts of my body and felt more grounded and safe than I have in years. 

I’ve been meditating every day since. Headspace has been so awesome for me. It has so many options and really lets you go at your own pace. Part of what had stopped me from meditating all those years was I thought I really had to take the time to learn how to do it. You don’t. Of course you’ll get better as you practice, like with anything else, but all you have to do is just sit down, close your eyes, and breathe. Knowing that thoughts will float in and out and that you can calmly let them go instead of being upset with yourself for “doing it wrong” was huge for me. And being able to start with just 1-3 minute sessions was also key. I always feel like there’s never enough time, even now, and knowing that I can break it down to something as small as a 3 minute chunk of my day made me realize that there was really no excuse not to do it. Very quickly, I started doing 10 minute sessions and that’s what I’ve been at for the last month or so. For me, it’s perfect. Just enough time to ground myself but not so long that I feel like I won’t be able to check off the million other things that are still on my to-do list. But, let me tell you, meditation is for sure on my to-do list every single day. I’ve been sleeping better, I’ve been able to manage the anxiety I’ve been feeling about the current state of the world better, and I’m able to call on the sense of calm and groundedness that I feel in my sessions at any point throughout the day. It’s lead to better relationships, more clarity AND I’M NOT EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT OR DOING ANYTHING. I’M JUST SITTING THERE. BREATHING. Nuts. 

Anyway, I highly recommend you try it. If you don’t know where to start- download the Headspace app. It really is a great starting point if you’re intimidated in any way. Like I said, they have super short sessions and the free “basics” course is phenomenal. The cute little bubble characters in the app and the founder’s calming voice (and British accent) really hold your hand and walk you into this unknown world that’s really the most known thing you have- getting back to yourself. So, try to meditate today. Even if you don’t download any of the fancy apps, just set the timer on your phone for 1 minute- ONE minute and focus on your breath. Try to slow everything down, let everything go, and just breathe. You’ll be surprised by who you are when you’re done. Trust me. 🧘🏽‍♀️💫💪🏼