winging it.

stephanie spencer

A case of the ho-humS

I always feel a little complacent this time of year. I end up taking lots of naps and choose staying home over going out. I always struggle with what to do when I feel this way... I’m so used to being a go-getter and never slowing down for anything because I have so many things I want to be doing ALL THE TIME! But is that really sustainable? Is my body telling me to slow the F down? When I’m feeling like a ho-hum homebody, should I listen and go self care all the way? Or should I suck it up and go to the gym or that yoga class or the dinner party this Saturday because I know it will be good for me and I’ll end up having a good time? 

Usually when I’m having the blahs, I do try to listen to my body and snuggle up for as much home time as I can get, but I try to push myself to get out of the house, too. I recently signed up for Glo ( an online yoga community with TONS of classes you can do at home. It’s $22 a month and you can choose from basically any length class you want. Perfect for times like these when you don’t feel like leaving the house, but feel like you should probably do something that doesn’t involve having your butt on the couch... I used to do a ton of yoga and I had a subscription to Glo years ago and then cancelled it when I started doing a bunch of Bikram classes. I haven’t really done yoga in years now, and lately I’ve been missing it a lot. The first couple Glo classes I’ve done have left me feeling really revitalized and I’m SO glad I’m making yoga part of my life again. It’s really helping to breathe some more energy into my body (and mind). It helps me to feel more grounded, too. 

After traveling so much, my day-to-day has been feeling a little repetitive, and I’m looking forward to having some time off for Thanksgiving. Since I’m an only child, I’ve always loved the togetherness that Thanksgiving brings, whether it’s your actual family or the family you choose for yourself. I’m hoping that the break and some home time with family will continue to restore my energy reserves and by the time the Christmas season rolls around (no, retail, the Christmas season doesn’t start until AFTER Thanksgiving), I’ll be back to my regularly scheduled go-getter programming. So, if you’re having a case of the homebody blues like I am, my best advice is balance. Listen to your body, because it probably is trying to tell you something. But don’t let yourself get sucked into the couch vortex too much. Make sure you peel yourself off to take a walk in as much nature as you can find, spend time with friends, or take a class that interests you. As much as you may feel like alone time is all you need, try to find at least one thing that breathes a little external life back into you, too. And most of all, just be aware. Take stock of how you’re feeling and think about why you may be feeling that way. Who knows, the real answer may surprise you and lead you somewhere better than you thought...